Friday 11 November 2016

Race 4: Leicester Half Marathon 52/203 miles.

Race 4 completed! Leicester Half Marathon in the city: 23rd October 2016; Time completed 01.55hrs; Weather overcast, cold, damp. 

Leicester has been absolutely brilliant, a late start (again) but another PB and a huge turnout of Harry's Helping Sands supporters! 

Ok, so this late and frantic rush for the start line is getting a little beyond a joke now. This time I have to say It was more the organisers fault (Although Leicester, I do applaud you on many other aspects). Having parked up finally... with some time to spare albeit 20 minutes or so, we took a brisk walk to Victoria Park to the race start line. Half way there we see a tall, dark figure which resembled none other than Michael. Great I thought, he's come to meet us and hurry us along...
I stand corrected as Michael is headed back out of the park to his car to collect his race number (You can't run without your race number...although I think Michael may have wanted to be the first to attempt it). Let's say the birthday boy was none to pleased...Happy birthday Mike!
As we arrive into the start area, we managed to find the rest of the team in an enormous queue for the last minute toilet stop. Only around 16 toilets for over 2000 runners! The race was delayed by 5 minutes or so (there was still a huge queue) and you could see people were battling with their inner voice; to pee or not to pee! 
We managed to join the end of the pack (again!!) but at least we were all a little lighter!

I was expecting a pretty fast time as this would be the flattest course we have ran, having said that with no music allowed (runners will be disqualified!), I wasn't sure how this would affect my race. 
The first mile out of the park was a dream...all down hill and the next 6 or so miles was a breeze. It is amazing how your body becomes accustomed to the training. Rewind 2 months, running 7 miles would have been a big effort for me. I had no new strategies for this race, just to remember to take on fuel (jelly babies) every 2 miles after the 5 mile mark and to remember to run at my own pace and not fall into the pace of other runners. 
The course was pretty flat, a mixture of town and country. The toughest part of the course was the last mile of steady hill to the finish line. This time, I made sure that I had a bit of sprint in me to finish stronger and with a PB of 1.55hrs I was well and truly impressed, my first sub 2hr half! A great course with a great atmosphere, there seemed to be lots of spectators which always helps motivate you to keep going. 

Another great run from Jane and Michael. Well done you two! A well deserved birthday drink was had after the race by us all! A great end to a successful race. 

A big thanks to the band playing (drummers) in the town, a great motivating gesture and also to the huge turnout of Harry's Helping Sands supporters who came despite the cold and wet weather. Thanks to Deni & Den, Meims, Rob, Silvie & Amy the dog, The Cunninghams, The Caldwells, Kasey, Dan & Morad.  

Race 5 Tatton Park Half; more runners joining the team; Matt, Rita, Frank and Megan. It's a flat course, so I reckon im on course for another PB- note- Must NOT start at the back...get there with plenty of time!
