Friday 7 October 2016

Bangor, banging on the door!

Ok so tomorrow is race day and I am literally writing this in bed! My preparations for this race has been zero and I really can't believe that race 3 is actually happening tomorrow! 
The reason I have been so unprepared? Well since the amazing feat of Abersoch I have since suffered a terrible cold and have been unable to train. In fact since Abersoch I have ran 3 miles, and that was on a treadmill! I had planned two 4 or 5 mile runs this week as I was feeling better but actually managed 0. So preparations for tomorrow couldn't have gone any better. With that said, I am looking forward to it and although  I haven't been able to train I have still been cycling to work and so hopefully this has kept me in some sort of fit state. Only time will tell (12hrs precisely)!


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