Saturday 22 October 2016

Race 3:Bangor Half Marathon 39/203 miles

Race 3 completed!

Run Wales Bangor Half Marathon: Saturday 8th October 2016;Time completed 02.03hrs; Weather clear, dry and warm (for October!). 

Well what can I say, another PB and another successful race for all (not one drop of blood shed by anyone this time!). I knew the Bangor course would be slightly easier than the Abersoch one, but considering the lack of training and feeling unwell for the past 2 weeks I am rather chuffed that I managed to shave 13 minutes off my time. Don't get me wrong, I did feel the effects of managing only a 3 mile treadmill run in 2 was hard work. 

I was hoping that the start of the race would be a little more relaxed than our marathon hill walk start at Abersoch. Well it didn't start to look too promising as we tried to negotiated our way through that mystical labyrinth that is a multi story car park. Who knew Bangor multi story car park could be so hair-raising, an obstacle galore...people and cars?! Luckily we managed to survive the journey and find a car parking space, paid up and off we went to find the starting line. 

We picked up our race numbers and chip tag which we had to tie to our shoes, a new experience for me as previously they have been embedded in the race I was just hoping it stayed on...knowing my luck and all that...!
The atmosphere was good, lots of people and supporters already there. I felt that this would be similar to the Wirral Half in that there was a 10K race starting at the same time, but this time no pace makers. After a last minute dash to the loo....I managed to catch the end of the line as the race started off......phew!

The race was a little undulating, a few hills here and there but not as hilly as I had anticipated, which was good. With that said, I did feel a little heavy on the legs and had struggled with my breathing throughout. I am not surprised though as (1) I had only run 3 miles in two weeks and (2) still getting over a cold. 
Bangor is supposed to be a lovely scenic route, but to be honest I was really not paying too much attention. I do remember seeing Penrhyn Castle and the Pier which was lovely but in all honesty my focus was more on, how many more paces to catch up with the next runner and playing mind games with myself! On one part of the course I could feel someone hot my heels going up the hill, my response, " You can't pass me mate, it'll do me in! " His response? " Sorry mate", and sprints off. Great, I thought...who can I pass next? Anyway a while later, who do I catch sight of....yes, it's the 'Sorry mate' guy. He is struggling and I know he was sorry he attacked the hill like Mo Farah....who is sorry now mate? I breeze past him as he looks on in despair. Me not at all. 

Towards the final mile I realised I was still on for a PB finish. The finish was a not a gruelling beach finish this time but a small hill in the centre of Bangor town. I put in some extra effort and decided on a sprint finish. Another PB, another success. 
What was rather amusing was after discussing my race and tactics later on in the day with Julie (I apparently looked knackered and legs looked really heavy at the end). Well, I did just do 13 miles and attempt a sprint finish. 
Looking back on the photos and Apple's live photos....I could swear I was going some 50mph up that final hill to the finish.... No no my sprinting was all in my head, it was that fast that people were actually strolling and had enough time to reverse back and window shop before crossing again out of my way.  Funny how you think you are having a Mo Farah moment when I may as well have walked across the line!

Jane and Michael did amazing again, more PBs! Well done to you both! Thanks to the lovely trio of Deni, Den and Lily who came to show their support again. Thank you so much! 

I have to say what a friendly town Bangor is. The people and supporters were fantastic, they really encouraged and cheered all the competitors on which was great to see. Great atmosphere, Thank you Bangor and Run Wales.

So race 4 tomorrow...Leicester Half Marathon....a newbie joining us for this one...are you ready Ben? Another PB and sprint finish? 


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