Monday 22 August 2016

Helps if you know where you are going!

So, the new trainers are fantastic, feel light, fit well and definitely feel more supportive. Thanks again to the lovely team at the Runners Hub. I have been on a couple of runs since getting the new trainers and I have to say that I am glad I had the gait assessment. I have new trainers which are great but also it has made me more aware of my running technique and how I can make myself more efficient and effective...basically fell less knackered during and after a run. 

I mentioned in my previous post that I needed to improve my cadence so on the past couple of runs I have made a conscious effort to increase my stride rate and shorten my steps. I made sure that when going up and down a hill that my cadence remained the same. I do feel that I have become more of an economical runner and that it has helped reduce my leg fatigue which I usually get after a run. On occasions I did find myself forgetting to increase my cadence during my run but I guess it will take a bit of getting use to. I will definitely persevere with it though as I am already seeing the benefits. 

My runs so far have been pretty local routes which I have  previously used before. They have included 2,3,5,8 mile routes, however I was now needing a 10 mile route for the next phase of my training programme (I 'll post this up at a later date) . I planned the route using google maps and wrote it all down for Julie, so she knew were I was going just in case. We have an emergency procedure whereby if I am not back by a certain time Julie is to come and rescue me. As a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Assessor I pride myself on being able to navigate around the countryside and all types of terrain. However, the Wirral pennisula turned into the Bermuda triangle...I was lost! I think this was more to do with my tiredness (things tend to go missing when I am tired..another story!)
So I ended up doing an extra 3 miles of running, not just any running but up a huge West Kirby hill all the way home! What was amusing was that my new headphones weren't working for some reason or another so I had no music and then my phone run out of battery with 2 miles to go. Even more amusing was that my arrangement with Julie was to call me if I hadn't come back by 12.30pm, so I get back to find Julie asleep on the sofa!

I would say an eventful run, but at least I know I have the legs to last a half marathon. This has made me think that I will need to research my routes a little better. If anyone has any advice on the best way to plan or any good apps which may help, fire them my way please.


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