Friday 12 August 2016

Where will we be running?

So for the past couple of days we have been searching for half marathon runs and a marathon which we will complete for Harry's Helping Sands 203 mile running challenge. We will re-phrase that to Clarke will complete. Now as much as Julie would love to join in with this marathon journey, we both thought it was best that she had the time to recover and get back to her full fitness rather than rush into training for this. I know Julie will be putting her energies into organising me on these running events and tidying up by bad grammar on this blog! and also organising the family fun day later next year. 

It took a little while to plan the provisional itinerary as we had to make sure that the runs were evenly spaced so that I have time to recover. Our starting point is the Wirral half marathon, thanks to Jane and Michael for signing me up and getting the ball rolling. No chance to back out now...not that I would but considering I have never completed a half marathon run before it is going to be a challenge. 

We looked at a number of different marathons to finish the 203 mile challenge with and decided to go with the Liverpool marathon as not only is it our local marathon but it also ties in nicely with an early summer finishing date. This will give us both time to challenge our energies into finalising Harry's fun day. 

Here is the provisional itinerary: 

If anyone has any suggestions of any other exciting and challenging races, feel free to signpost me to them as this is only provisional. 

I guess it is time to start training then...


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