Monday 8 August 2016

Welcome to our blog!

203 mile Running Challenge

Welcome to our blog! 

We have set up this blog so that you can follow our Harry's Helping Sands 203 mile running challenge. Thank you to everyone supporting us on our challenge and to all those who have sponsored us already! This blog will hopefully keep you up to date with how our training is going, and how we get on in each event. As this is the first post, we thought we would give you the background as to why we are running 203 miles. 

We will be completing a 203 mile running challenge in memory of our little boy Harry Clarke Pinnington who was born asleep on 4th July 2016 and in support of Sands (Stillbirth and neonatal death charity). 

During what has been an incredibly difficult and emotional few weeks we have learned so much about stillbirths and neonatal deaths and this has made us really reflect on how little we knew and how little it is talked about. It is still very much a taboo subject.  Over 100 babies die just before, during or soon after birth every week and what shocked us the most is that over a third of these deaths are classed as 'unexplained'. Like the majority of expectant parents, our pregnancy was going swimmingly with no problems throughout, we were classed as low risk. So for us to lose Harry all of a sudden at 29 weeks was a complete shock and something we didn't imagine would happen to us. 
We felt that we wanted to give something back to Sands and Arrowe Park Hospital for all their support they have given us and to help support other parents and families who have to go through such a devastating experience. 

Initially we wanted to plan a family fun day on what would be Harry's first birthday. The money raised would support Sands and Arrowe Park Hospital, who are planning to redevelop the bereavement maternity suite. The staff at Arrowe Park Hospital were fantastic throughout our experience and they along with the current bereavement suite facilities made this difficult time a little more bearable. However, the current suite although sufficient, is in need of developing to provide a more comfortable environment. Our fundraising will hopefully help support this project.

The family funday is still something in which we hope to do (watch this space!), but we felt we wanted to put our energies into something now and throughout the year. We have both always said that a marathon would be a great achievement as neither of us are built for endurance running, power and sprinting...yes, but definitely not long distance! So whilst we wanted to give ourselves a challenge in completing a marathon, we also wanted it to be in memory of our little boy Harry, therefore we thought we would throw in a few (sorry lots of) half marathons along the way.  Harry was born at 29 weeks and so a mile will be run for everyday of his life; this means 12 half marathons, a 20 miler and finishing off with a marathon!  

Along the way we will be joined by family and friends who have donated themselves to us for Harry's cause! Thanks to everyone who have signed themselves up already! We are excited to start this marathon journey and hope to blog our ups and hopefully not so many downs on our way. 

We hope you enjoy following us on Harry's Helping Sands 203 mile Running Challenge, we also have a facebook page and we are on instagram. 

If you would like to make a donation, please follow the link to our justgiving page.

With love 

Clarke, Julie & Harry x

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