Tuesday 30 August 2016

Training Plan

Just wanted to share my training plan, in case anyone was slightly interested! I have used the Nike plus training app as a basic plan and then I have adapted parts of it myself. The Nike app gives you a 14 week training plan for a half marathon so I had to obviously adapt it to suit with only 6 weeks to go until our first half marathon. Previous to week 1 I had been on a couple of short 2 mile runs to blow off the cobwebs! 

This plan is only a guide for me and I am sure I won't be sticking to it rigidly as I know things come up and I may not have time to fit in a longer run or I may feel like doing my longer run on a different day. So there will be some chopping and changing throughout but I will try and stick to this as best I can. Already I have changed over a few rest days to suit and not to mention a few longer runs than anticipated...so it is definitely a working document!

I have found the first 3 weeks relatively easy to stick to, but since going back to work it has been definitely harder to stick to. I guess after a long and busy day at work your energy levels and motivation can waiver and you end up having to really talk yourself into dragging yourself out! 
I found last week the hardest and it may be because (1) Starting back at work= busy, stress and a long day (2) I am now cycling to work every day which works out at a 24 mile round trip which will also help my general fitness and training= bonus (3) Missing lunch is probably not a good idea! As time goes on though, I am sure I will get used to getting myself into a routine, where the training becomes a normal part of my day. 

The fact that I missed my lunch the other day isn't anything unusual as I can be so busy in work,  the time runs away with me. I would usually get home and eat some of it (after getting a telling off Julie for wasting her quality M&S fruit!) and then wind down for the evening in front of the TV. However, missing lunch is no longer an option, after my disastrous running attempt the other day. 

This leads me onto nutrition, it actually is really important  and I know that I will need to fuel my body correctly if I am to get through this 203 mile running challenge unscathed! I have increased my lunchtime meal to something more nutritious and substantial (chicken and carbs) to help me get through my training after work. Better start practising what I preach...no more missing meals! 

I would welcome any advice on the training plan or nutrition from any experts out there...or anyone who would like to share some healthy, tasty and interesting meals with chicken!  

Cluck Clarke 

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