Saturday 3 September 2016

One week to go until race number 1

With just one week to go until our first race for Harry's Helping Sands 203 mile running challenge, I thought I would give a quick update on my training and final preparations. 
This week I have felt great. I have found the cycling to work is complementing my runs and general fitness. My legs feel stronger and I feel that I am able to pick up my pace at times throughout the run. I have noticed that my CV is getting stronger, I am using some of my runs as fartlek training which is giving me a stronger aerobic threshold. I am lucky enough to have some challenging hills on my cycle route to work. The hills give me the opportunity to work on my power and speed. This will only serve to help me in building up my speed and endurance to help me through my races. 
I am really enjoying cycling to work. Being out in the fresh air not only wakes you up but also puts me in a great positive mood ready for a days work, everyone should try it! Being able to get on a ferry every morning and see the Liverpool skyline of course is a treat and helps make this journey to work a very pleasant one. There is a little community on the ferry mostly made up of cyclists going to work. You will always get a hello and smile which is nice and sometimes time for a quick chat with fellow passengers with a free coffee before boarding. As a newbie to cycling, I am enjoying learning all about the do's and dont's...I have just ordered my first ass saver! (and no this is not something rude!)
Like I mentioned before, this is a great way to start the day seeing as I would usually be sat in the car on my own in a queue. I get to see the countryside, whilst getting fit and saving money and the environment all at the same time, it's a win win! So anyone who has ever thought about cycling, running or walking to work, I say DO IT!!

1 week to go and our preparations are in full flow. Our Harry's Helping Sands t-shirts are in the making thanks to James for helping with the logo and Nigel from the Runners Hub for printing them. Looking forward to seeing them! Some light training next week...excited for our first race. 

Here's a video of my ferry ride to work.


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