Wednesday 7 September 2016

Harry and his army!

Not a post about us today, but a post to celebrate all the wonderful people behind our fundraising and cause. There are a few people we would like to thank who behind the scenes have supported us immensely.  

We will start from the beginning of our journey so firstly a huge thanks to Rachel our midwife who delivered Harry...we couldn't have asked for a better midwife to help us through this difficult time, Thank you. 

Thanks to Kate, Heather, Ruth, Donna and the rest of the team at Arrowe Park Hospital for all your care and support. 

Thanks to Kim, who without you we wouldn't have such beautiful photographs of our little boy to cherish.

Thanks to Les who gave Harry a lovely service. To Carol who provided the order of service booklet and blanket and those beautiful memory cards, you went above and beyond what we expected, thank you. 

Thanks to the lovely team at the Co-operative funeral care, Carol, Tom and Adrian for showing sensitivity, care and compassion.

Thanks to the 4Louis charity for supplying our lovely memory box for Harry.

Thanks to Sarah and James who at the early stages of our sad news were there to keep us going with some sort of normality, thanks for showing us some light. Another thanks to James who has helped us set up our blog, website (under construction) and our Harry's logo.

Thanks to Tracy for being there with a friendly face and ear, it means a lot (thanks for the eggs too!).

Thanks to Georgina for the most wonderful necklace and to the Gin Club, a lovely gift!

Thanks to Sandra, Anne and Shirley for making lovely knitted hats for Arrowe Park Maternity Unit. The hats will help premature babies and parents who find themselves in a similar position to ours. 

Thank you to the lovely person who made Harry's blue knitted hat...we are so grateful x

Thanks to Nigel and the team at the Runners Hub, for supporting us with our running challenge. New running shoes, advice, delicious fruit juices and getting our Harry's Helping Sands t-shirts and vests made. Thank you. 

Thanks to Garth at MBF Pace who has helped us with promoting Harry's Helping Sands with banners and cards.

Thanks to all our senior management and colleagues at work for their understanding, compassion and care during this difficult time. 

Thanks to both our families for helping us through this difficult time, giving us space when needed but also knowing you are all there right behind us. Thank you.

Thank you to all our supporters who have donated and supported us through sharing our story. 

And finally a thanks to everyone who is supporting us by joining in with our 203 mile running challenge!

Thanks to...
Jane and Michael: 203 miles
Amie, Danny and Michelle: Abu Dhabi Half and Marathon
Rita: Wirral Half and Liverpool Marathon
Matt: Tatton Park Half
Frank: Warrington, Tatton Park, Chester Half and Liverpool Marathon
Team Guisborough; Glynis, Geoff, Sarah, Alicia, Natalie, Danny, Nicola, Adam, Adam and Cara: Liverpool Half
Rachel: Liverpool Half

Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in joining us, or will be taking part in their own personal challenges or organising their own fundraising in memory of Harry and for Harry's Helping Sands...Thanks Katrina and team, we are looking forward to the cake sale!

To Jane and Michael, we just wanted to say a big thank you to you both for your amazing support throughout this journey... we couldn't have done this without you. We appreciate all your support and think you are both fantastic for completing the the whole 203 miles of running with us ...(although I'm not sure you know what you've let yourselves in for!!) Jane, you have been an absolute rock for us, we cannot thank you enough. We are looking forward to completing this exciting and challenging journey with you both!

If we have missed anyone out.... sorry...and.... Thank you! 
Good luck to everyone training for their races, please keep us updated with how you are getting on. We can't wait for the first race on Sunday, the Wirral Half Marathon. Please come down and support us!  

We will end this post (which we thought would be a quick one..just goes to show how much support we have had) with a ...

Thank you!

Clarke and Julie x

Thank you to the lovely person who knitted Harry's hat. It fitted perfectly, he looked beautiful in it!

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