Saturday 10 September 2016

It's nearly here: Race no. 1

So we are nearly there; race number 1 of our 203 mile journey starts tomorrow! It has been a challenging and exciting month of training and perhaps a little on the short side but I feel ready for my first race; ready for my first ever half marathon! I am not expecting a fast time, I will be taking it nice and steady and I will try to enjoy the experience with it being my first race. 

This weeks preparation has consisted of more carbohydrates in my diet to fuel me up for the race, a few light runs of 4 and 2 miles and hydrating myself with plenty of water in past 48hours. Today's plan of a short 3 mile run to stretch out the legs has gone out the window instead I have had a afternoon nap. Must have needed it, it has been a busy week and with all my cycling I have felt very tired this week. To be honest I have had a slight panic this morning as my legs have felt like lead, so I have rested instead and hopefully I be feeling great in the morning! 

We picked up our Harry's Helping Sands t-shirts today from the Runners Hub, they are fabulous, thank you! 

So with over a months planning...and race day 1 just around the corner we are really excited to start this journey with our family and friends who are right behind us in memory of our beautiful little boy Harry, for Arrowe Park bereavement suite, for Sands, for all those parents and families who left hospital without their little one, this journey we are taking is for you. 

Let's raise awareness, talk about stillbirth and break the silence. 

Please come down and support us if you can.


Race no. 1: Wirral Half Marathon....Good Luck everyone!

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