Wednesday 21 September 2016

Race recovery

With the Wirral half marathon being my first race and with so many people signing up to their first half marathon in memory of Harry and for Sands (Thank you everyone, means a lot) I wanted to share my post race recovery. 

I am pleasantly surprised at how well I have recovered from the race. I have felt great, my body has felt fine, a little tired but not to a level in which I thought I would feel and my legs which I have always struggled with (aches and pains) have actually felt fantastic. In fact I think my legs actually have felt better post race than pre-race! 
Thinking back to how my legs felt a few days prior to the race, I definitely think using rollers on them (which I don't usually use) had a big impact on how sore they were feeling leading up to race day! I know they were a little tired from all the cycling but I am convinced now it was the rollers. So my advice would be to make sure you don't try something out of the ordinary during race week! Now I am not saying don't use a roller as they are good, but maybe give your body time (more than 2 days!) to adapt to anything new. A mistake I made with the rollers, is not drinking enough water to ensure I flush the toxins out of my body. So like I said, give yourself time to get used to any new changes in routine.

I know I keep going on about my running shoes, but I think they have had a massive impact on how well my training and racing has been going. As I have said before and I know Julie would definitely agree with me but I used to complain about leg pains constantly after training whether is was gym training or a run. When I decided to take on this running challenge I did wonder how my legs would cope, but I can honestly say that I reckon the running shoes have been the key to getting me through the training in one piece. Anyone who is struggling with injuries, I would definitely consider if your trainers/ running technique is a possible cause. The advice I got from the Runners Hub has helped too; just a slight change in technique can have a big impact on your running and recovery. 

I also think that having a good stretch out after the race (and before) is really important and aids recovery. Something I will have to make sure I do, even if it is cold and lashing it down...(it is forecast for rain in Abersoch!) Having a post race massage of course also helps too. Creations in Heswall, Thank you! It will be interesting to see after the Abersoch race whether my recover will be as quick and pain free as I am guessing (but hopefully wishing) that there won't be a massage tent available after the race (anyone in Abersoch reading this, feel free to organise one!). 

Stretching out, no matter what.

A good massage is great for recovery too!

I have continued to cycle to work everyday and I know that this has also helped support the recovery process. The daily cycle has helped keep my legs moving so that they aren't stiffening up. Important to keep those legs moving. With views like this, cycling to work has been amazing, wish I had decided to do it years ago.

A beautiful misty morning....Snowdrop on her way to pick me up.

My advice to anyone starting running would be these 5 essential points:

Clarke's Running Essentials

1. Good Kit- running shoes (preferably through a professional advisor)
2. Good food and hydration- keep body well fuelled with nutritious foods and well watered.
3. Plenty of miles- important to get your runs in..even if you are tired/busy. 
4. Plenty of rest - just as important as getting the miles in (can't do this one without no.3!)
5. Stretch- important to warm up and essential to stretch out after every run/ training session.  

Race day number 2 in a few days, must keep up the training and keep off the rollers!



  1. Well done Clarke, really proud of what you achieved. Anytime you want a yoga session I'll happily help you out. Sasha

  2. Thanks Sasha, I just might take you up on that offer. Need to work on my flexibility and core strength.
