Wednesday 14 September 2016

Race 1: Wirral Half Marathon 13/203 miles

Race 1 completed! 
Btr Liverpool, Wirral Half Marathon: Sunday 11th September 2016; Time completed 02.16hrs; Weather sunny and warm with a light breeze.

Well, our first race has been a triumph, all 4 runners are still standing...(just!) and still smiling!

The morning of race day, I woke up feeling fresh and excited about the days challenge ahead; I had an early night, off to bed after watching X factor! That feeling didn't last too long, as soon as I went to move my legs, my legs decided that X factor went a little too far last night....or perhaps it was cycling overload? Whatever it was, my legs felt like two blocks of lead. The day before I had decided against a short 2 mile run to give my already heavy legs a stretch out, opting for an afternoon nap instead. This rest obviously had little positive impact on my legs. 

So the morning continues as planned, porridge and banana for race day fuel, a cup of coffee to wake me up (and wishful thinking- my lead legs?) and lots of water to hydrate my self on what was looking like a glorious sunny morning. My race day preparations also involved some Vaseline and nipples (I hear sniggers). Take note all you lovely supporters who have signed up for a race (fellas that is...ladies you somehow get away with this problem) behold the ...runners nipple! Just ask Mike and he'll explain to you all about it (maybe I should have put this part of the post up before race day). I also tend to Vas up the inner thigh too...I am not lucky enough to have model thin legs so chafing can occur here too!

On our journey to the start line we picked up our fellow runners Jane, Mike and Rita who all looked happy, excited and raring to go (I did think this will all be different in 3 hours time). After a few wrong turns, I talk too much apparently and the sound of 3 sat navs in the back of the car, we arrived (in plenty of time). Parking didn't seem much of an issue with lots of side roads to park on. The atmosphere was initially quiet but as more runners and their supporters began to arrive, it quickly picked up. There were plenty of loos and the whole layout seemed pretty spot on, not too busy but busy enough for a good atmosphere. There seemed to be a range of people racing from professional runners, running club members, amateur runners, wannabe runners to fancy dress runners...according to Gary (Mike's dad) Mike fell into the latter category. I'll do thanks at the end but thanks Paula, Gary, Deni and Den for making it to the start line to show your support. 

As the race started, and it was inevitable, my Nike plus app decided to have a battle with me. If you know me well, if anything happens, it seems to happen to me! Luckily I don't think I was the only one, I think Mike was having a battle with his armband, Jane battling to decide if she needed the loo one last time and Rita was ready for the battle ahead. All systems go (my fitbit saved the day, Mike discarded the armband and Jane's choice made for her), we were off. 

The beginning of the race was going pretty well and pretty fast (first mile was 9.28). Steady on there I thought, better pace this. At mile 2, I passed China Spirit UK playing the drums and handing out water which was fantastic. This was not on the official course guide but a great gesture of support, thank you (wishing they there were there near the end!). Plodding on, I hit mile 3 and some friendly faces in Nigel and Julie from the Runners Hub to push me on. I spent the next mile or so fending off the banana man; I think saw him off around the 4.5 mile mark only to find myself competing with Wonder woman. That took some fighting and I seemed to win that battle around the arrival into New Brighton (mile 6). My legs were still feeling like two blocks of lead but my CV felt pretty good. I felt throughout the race I needed to keep a conscious effort to keep at my own steady pace. I found myself copying and falling into the pace of others around me. I hit my slowest mile split at mile 8 (11.00). From this mile I picked up and increased my pace all the way to the end. 

As I was heading towards the finish line, there was a good atmosphere and lots of spectators cheering us all on. Heading towards the line I felt the urge to gee on others around me. I was looking forward to a sprint finish but actually the occasion and support takes you to a different place, one which makes you appreciate yours and others achievement....I had finished! 02.19hrs.. on the clock with a chip time of 02.16hrs and looking forward to a Sunday roast and a few beers. 
As I crossed the line, it took me a while to focus and get my bearings, exhaustion had kicked in. I did eventually spot everyone cheering and a rather concerned looking Julie. Asking if I was OK and that I didn't look too great. 
"Get some water down you, your lips are so that salt on your lips?" 
I realised my appearance probably looked worse than I actually was. I think that will be the flour off the jelly babies I have been eating.  I must have looked a like a rabid dog panting and flouring at the wonder people were keeping away! 
After picking up my medal and goody bag, I happen to spot a tall dark figure coming onto the final stretch...its was Mike. I decided to run down to cheer him on to the finish but changed my mind to walk down as my legs had nothing left. As I got closer, I realised Mike looked like he had been shot...runners nipple had taken hold...lesson learnt for Abersoch! Mike had completed his first half marathon..well done Mike. Not too far behind was Jane and Rita, both in seemingly high spirits and looked like they could do that all again. Although speaking to Jane after she actually struggled with a leg cramp from mile 9 onwards. Well done Jane and Rita, amazing that you continued on!

After the race we were lucky enough to have a post race massage from the team at creations. I thought this was an amazing idea...Although I know this is wishful thinking for the rest of our races...Julie you I hope you took some notes!

So race one completed. The course was pretty flat, a good atmosphere, not too busy (around 2000 participants) although there were two races the half marathon and 10K happening at the same time with a route split in New Brighton. The course was scenic with beautiful views of Liverpool and made all the more amazing with the fantastic weather. 

A big thanks to Paula, Gary, Deni, Den, Lily the dog, Sandra and Rebecca for seeing us off at the start line and supporting us at the end. Thanks to our supporters and all the donations for helping us get our first race and fundraising off to a wonderful start. 

Rest for the next 2 days then back into the training for Race number 2; Abersoch. I think this will be a different kind of race, welsh hills and a beach finish!

Well done Jane, mike and Rita!


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