Thursday 22 September 2016

Race 2, two days to go!

Only 2 days until Abersoch half marathon. Getting really excited as training has been going really well. I am really excited for the next race and although I was looking forward to starting this running challenge I didn't realise how much I would enjoy it... I think I have caught the running bug....and I am glad! 

Since the Wirral half, I have noticed a big improvement with my speed on my shorter runs. I am now averaging 9 minute miles over 5 miles compared to 10 minute miles at the beginning of my training. I think my general fitness and the fact that I have started fartlek training has helped improve my speed. 

"Fartlek; means 'speed play' in Swedish. It is a training method that mixes continuous training with interval training. Fartlek training is periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running."

During my runs I have been practising some speed work. I will find a hill and run up as fast as I can and then jog back down, doing sets of 5 before continuing my run. The key is to ensure you maintain the same pace of running after, to get any benefit from the hill work. This training has been beneficial in helping me increase my aerobic threshold (CV) and improving my pace. 

I have also been incorporating lots of core stability work (plank work, ab roller and leg raises) to enhance my performance. It is important to ensure you have good core strength to help link your upper body to your lower body for effective running. 

The Abersoch half will be a stunning course with views across Cardigan Bay, views of Snowdon, Bardsey Island and a beach finish along Abersoch bay, really can't wait. But I am not expecting a fast time as I am sure the hills and beach finish will make it a little tougher. No PBs being set on this course!

So with training going well, all that is left is, to ensure good fuel and hydration over the next 2 days.

Bring it on Abersoch, race number 2!


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